Is it true that sweating a lot means that your body burns a lot of energy?

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Sweat is a result of the body’s heat transfer process, also known as metabolism. It is a process that changes the food we eat into energy. This work creates heat so that the body can dissipate heat and control the heat level to an appropriate level. The body then releases heat in the form of sweating

Exercising hard and sweating a lot stimulates muscle development and results in a better basal metabolic rate. When the base is good, just moving your body can stimulate better fat burning.

When you exercise and sweat, it is because your body is burning energy, so heat is created. In order to prevent your body from becoming too hot (Hyperthermia), which is a common condition, such as heat stroke, your body must have a good cooling system. Sweat is created to dissipate heat and balance the body’s temperature to help prevent system failure. The weight lost after exercise is the amount of sweat that your body excretes. 

Exercising at a low level will allow the body to burn fat for energy efficiently. During this period, there will be no heat accumulation ทางเข้า ufabet, so the body does not need to sweat. But when starting to exercise more intensely, the body will not be able to continuously convert energy from fat because it cannot draw energy to use as fast as it needs. The body therefore needs to use energy from carbohydrates instead, which takes less time than fat.

                  When exercising continuously and intensely, the body temperature will rise to the point where the body produces sweat. Therefore, the belief that the more you sweat, the more fat you burn is only partially true. For people who tend to sweat a lot even though they are not in hot weather or moving their bodies a lot, you may have to try to observe and ask yourself whether you are experiencing symptoms of an abnormality called abnormal sweating or not.

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. The best way to achieve a healthy weight is to live an active lifestyle, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. For about 30 minutes, no more than 5 days a week, is the best way to safely achieve your weight loss goals.

Just because you don’t sweat during exercise doesn’t mean your body isn’t burning fat. So, don’t overdo it to make yourself sweat. Listen to your body’s signals to reduce the risk of injury during exercise and other health risks.