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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Because laugh has more health benefits than you think.

Many people have heard the saying, Laugh a little every day, your mind will be bright. In addition to making us have good mental health and making those around us bright, it also helps with health. Laughter therapy is another non-pharmacological treatment that has a

Move a little for healthy, make the most of your breaks.

Office syndrome symptoms may occur without realizing it, especially when working at a desk. If you sit for a long time, doing the same thing repeatedly without moving your body much, you may be at risk of office syndrome or the cause of other serious

Symptoms of vitreous degeneration.

Vitreous degeneration is a disease that usually occurs in people aged 50 years and over. But at present, this disease is found in young people who work in offices more and more, which is alarming. It can be said that vitreous degeneration is one of the diseases